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Upcoming Short Courses
(RE)Defining Equality
14 JULY - 27 JULY 2025Learn MoreDoing Good (Hybrid)
7 - 23 JULY 2025Learn MoreEmbodying Earth: Leadership for a Regenerative Future
30 JUNE - 12 JULY 2025Learn MoreUWC ISAK Japan Short Course Summer School
20 JULY - 1 AUGUST 2025Learn MoreBuilding a Sustainable Future (Online)
28 JULY - 11 AUGUST 2025Learn MoreGlobal Leadership Experience (GLE)
2 AUGUST - 16 AUGUST 2025Learn MoreWRITE THE WORLD: Using Creative Writing to Engage with Current Events
3 MAY - 28 JUNE 2025Learn MoreActionxChange (AxC)
30 JUNE- 14 JULYLearn MoreBuilding and Crossing Bridges
13 JULY - 26 JULY 2025Learn MoreSustainability and Spanish Immersive Experience in Costa Rica
1 - 15 JULY 2025Learn MoreAmazônia 360: Sustainability & Community in the Brazilian Rainforest
An immersive journey into the heart of the Amazon! UWC Amazonia 360 is a transformative 11-day short course in Manaus and the Tumbira community of Rio Negro, Brazil. Designed for young changemakers aged 15 to 17, the course delves into sustainability, the history of the region and its people, and the deep connections between humans and the environment. Using deep dialogue and restorative jus...Learn MoreBridging Cultures
23- 29 JUNE 2025Learn MoreGlobal Leadership Forum (GLF)
21 MAY - 9JUNE2025Learn More