UWC Day - UWC Spain

19 September, 11:00am
As you know, this year the motto of the UWC day is “United We Can”. This is a day to reflect on what we can do to make the UWC movement, as well as its ideals and goals, go even further.
For this reason, this year, our former student Pablo Santaeufemia will lead a workshop using “design thinking” to identify solutions to challenges faced by both the foundation and the movement in Spain.
The exercise will consist of:
i) forming groups based on previously defined problems,
ii) generating, by groups, solution proposals for each of them (one challenge per group) and
iii) each group will present its specific proposal with a plan of action to the rest of the former students.
You can participate both in person in Madrid (at the Talent Garden Madrid) and online (via Zoom, a link will be provided).
Saturday September 19 - 11:00 am.
Talent Garden Madrid / Zoom
To join, go to UWC Spain's Facebook Page