UWC DAY 2024 - UWC East Africa

20 September 2024 - 14:00 ( UTC +03)
UWCEA has an exciting fundraising event where all the students, staff members and parents participate. The 24-hour run is an annual team-based community event that takes place on campus. The event was established by our African sister UWC school, Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa, and it is now a wonderful tradition of our school.
This year (2024), the event will take place on Friday, 20 and 21 September, followed by UWC Day celebrations at the Moshi Campus and both campuses get to participate. This event aims to raise money for our Scholarship Fund while coming together as a community and having fun. There will be cultural performances to celebrate our diversity, a basketball tournament to promote healthy lifestyles, food sales, and other activities for 24 hours. Teams can receive funds from sponsors as a one-time donation or based on the number of laps they have covered in the 24 hours. Together we will change...the life of a future student if we reach our goal of fundraising $50,000 and Shelby Davis will match the efforts of providing a second full scholarship for a student in the Diploma Program for Entry 2025.
For more information about this event, please click here.