UWC Day - UWC Costa Rica
30 September, 11am CR time, Online
Alumni 2-Gather: Sustainability
An online networking event for UWC Costa Rica alumni 'Re-imagining Tomorrow' through Sustainability, Conservation, Research, and Climate Action. For more info get in touch with alumnicoordinator@uwccostarica.org.
Student Art and Writing Competition
In the couple of weeks leading up to UWC Day, we have organised an art competition and a writing competition for pieces on the theme of "Reimagine Tomorrow", and the winners will be announced at our whole-community meeting on the 21st. At this meeting we will also present and appreciate the artworks and their meaning, and discuss the importance of UWC Day and the theme of "Reimagine Tomorrow."
On the 21st we will also have a special lunch, and celebrate our diversity by wearing our national costumes throughout the day. We will also be taking pictures and videos and asking people to say what "Reimagine Tomorrow" means to them so that we can create a compilation video to celebrate the day.
We plan to have our traditional UWC Day show later in the year, hopefully when the protocols and Covid situation allow us to do it in person.