UWC Day - UWC Canada
21 September 2022 & 25 September 2022
Pedal for Peace
UWC Canada National Committee is holding three in-person events across Canada (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver) on UWC Day - 21 September 2022 - called "Pedal for Peace" - Alumni and UWC supporters are invited to ride their bikes from one location to another (brewery) for a gathering that evening
The events are open to UWC alumni, current UWC students, non-UWCers (people not yet aware of UWC, community members, etc.), prospective UWC applicants/parents, UWC short course alumni.
Virtual Event
There will also be a virtual event on 25 September 2022 at 9:00 AM PDT- with 3 speakers (Ari Satok; author and poet who wrote the book "The Architects of Hope"; Mafer Bencomo; Film maker of Brushtrokes of Hope Film; and Melvin Gomez; Artist and subject of film Brushstrokes of Hope). It will be an online movie premiere and conversation with artists on the Peace Begins with Us theme. A rolling ticket fee will be charged for this event to help with fundraising efforts. Tickets area available for purchase here.