Survivors of Conflict Programme
UWC Red Cross Nordic (UWC RCN) has teamed up again with the Red Cross Haugland Rehabilitation Centre to offer the “Survivors of Conflict Programme”: a programme to facilitate education and provide necessary care, rehabilitation, medical support and independence training for youth who have been injured in war or conflict. The programme is also open to people with disabilities from conflict and post-conflict zones.
The aim of the “Survivors of Conflict Programme” is to provide participants with a UWC education and enable them to then return to act as resourceful and active society members in their home country. Although some of them will likely enroll into university abroad after their stay at UWC RCN in Norway, the ultimate goal is that they later return home, empowered by the rehabilitation and education that the SOC programme provides.
Melvin Cornejo Gomez, from El Salvador, is a Survivor of Conflict student at UWC RCN (2014-2017). He lost three friends and was paralysed from the chest down when shot by a criminal gang: “When that happened, I thought my life was destroyed, and I didn’t think it was fair that I survived when a mother lost both of her sons. Then I found out I had nothing to be ashamed of. I didn’t want to hide at home, but instead did everything I could to have an education”, he said.
All youth who have been injured or are born with disabilities and live in conflict or post-conflict zones are invited to apply. The deadline for applications is 25 January 2017. The Programme is based on the recruitment of 2-3 students each year, who will receive a full scholarship to attend the two IB Diploma years at UWC Red Cross Nordic. However, students who need to build their competence in English and/or other subjects may be offered a further foundation year at UWC RCN.
The Survivors of Conflict Programme is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through an agreement with the Norwegian Red Cross, and scholarships cover tuition as well as flights, accommodation and food.
Any person or organisation can nominate a candidate. UWC Red Cross Nordic will then contact the nominating people or organisation, the nominee and the National Committee in the home country of the nominee to discuss the continued selection process.
For more information, including how to apply, click here.