Davis-UWC IMPACT Challenge completes its second year
Six schools claim more than USD $1.5m in the second year of the Davis-UWC IMPACT Challenge with one school completing the challenge, and two new schools and colleges entering the challenge in its third year.
UWC is delighted to announce the second year results of the Davis-UWC IMPACT challenge.
The Davis-UWC IMPACT Challenge was established by UWC Patron Shelby Davis in August 2015 to encourage UWC alumni and other supporters to take ownership of UWC’s future by becoming regular donors. As an incentive, Davis offered USD$1m to each of UWC’s then 15 schools and colleges which can be claimed once the college increases its number of individual donors based on the numbers from the previous year.
At the end of the first year all 15 participating UWC schools and colleges were successful in unlocking the matched funding, increasing the number of alumni, parents, friends and family donating by an incredible 32%.
This challenge did not end, and six colleges continued into the second year of the challenge. In July 2017 Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa successfully reached the full USD $1m match, and a total of USD $1.5m was distributed to the six colleges remaining at the end of the second year of the challenge.
Overall the six colleges participating in the second year of the challene, increased the number of alumni, parents, friends and family donating by an incredible 46%. UWC Mahindra saw a large increase in donors and funds raised during this period, with gifts increasing by 150%, and the number of donors increased by 80%. This is the largest increase that was seen among all schools participating in year two of the challenge.
In September 2017 Shelby Davis extended the challenge to UWC Thailand and UWC ISAK Japan with both schools having USD $1m of available funding for eligible gifts. This brings all 17 schools and colleges into the challenge, with seven schools and colleges (UWC Changshu, UWC Costa Rica, UWC Mahindra, UWC ISAK Japan, Li Po Chun UWC of Hong Kong, UWC Red Cross Nordic, UWC Thailand) now continuing into the third year of the challenge with a total of USD $4.5m available.
All match funding earned by the UWC schools and colleges will be spent on increasing UWC’s scholarship provisions in line with our vision of providing financial assistance to every student based on their needs.
Today all UWCs will announce their individual results to their alumni and supporters and together with UWC International will launch a global campaign to ensure the challenge continues to attract support from the UWC community.
Please join us in celebration by saying “Thanks a Million” to UWC Patron Shelby Davis who continues to support, challenge and inspire us with his love of UWC and his commitment to improving the world by empowering one change-maker at a time.
To learn more about the Davis-UWC IMPACT challenge and how you can participate please visit the campaign website at http://www.thanksamillionchallenge.org/