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UWC Day - UWC International+UWC Foodies London

22 September 2017

22 September, 2017, guided tour of the British Museum with Prof. Henry Thomas under the topic "The Power of Diversity" followed by drinks and food at the International Office in London.

The UWC Foodies Group and UWC International have joined forces to organise an evening to celebrate UWC Day 2017.

At 6pm we will meet at the British Museum in London and former UWC Adriatic teacher Henry Thomas will give us an exclusive tour looking at the relation of "power" and "diversity" within this world famous collection. The tour will start promptly at 6:30pm and will last approximately 90 minutes.

After the tour, we will walk together to the nearby offices of UWC International for a Potluck style evening with drinks and finger food from around the world prepared by UWC Foodies Group members - and hopefully many of you!

In keeping with the 'World Cultures' theme - and to truly celebrate diversity! - we ask those attending to bring food, suitable for sharing, from their culture of origin or choice. Check out the UWC Foodies for culinary inspiration. 

We will ask for voluntary contributions towards the costs of drinks from all participants and for voluntary donations towards the UWC Refugee Initiative during the evening.

Click here to get tickets to the event.