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UWC Day 2016 - Pearson College 

21 September 2016

Wednesday, September 21st is UWC Day, which also coincides with International Peace Day, so we have a lot to celebrate!  Instead of regular classes, we will spend a full day together doing workshops and activities around peace and what it means to be part of the UWC Movement. 

This year’s UWC-wide theme is Connect, Challenge, and Celebrate. An amazing team of students, faculty, and staff have put this day together and I think it’s going to be a memorable one!

Wednesday, September 21st

7:30AM                      Advisee Group Breakfast (Dining Hall)

Meet your advisee group for a special communal meal that includes a Skype call to UWC USA. 
Delicious, nutritious, and mandatory :) 

8:45AM                      Intergroup Dialogue with Dr. Ratnesh Nagda: Guest speaker and workshop (MaxBell)

Spend the morning learning about how to use intergroup dialogue to make peace across social diversity
Participate in a small group intergroup dialogue session

12:00PM                     Lunch (Dining Hall)

(After lunch, some students depart in vans for Victoria’s Peace Festival.  Sign-up in the cafeteria Tuesday)

1:00PM                       Intergroup Dialogue Synthesis (MaxBell)

Bring together the community’s ideas from the morning session

1:45PM                       "Chalk 4 Peace" and "Art 4 a Sustainable Future” (outside)

Express yourself!

[Optional] 3:30PM    One Day, One Goal: Soccer Game for Peace (meet at tennis courts)

Join thousands of people around the world playing soccer for peace on this day!  Local community members have been invited to attend.

7:00-9:00PM  UWC Spirit (MaxBell)

Documentary and discussion on UWC past, present and future.  Alumni have been invited to attend.
Followed by One Day, One Dance: A dance activity to celebrate peace

Event Details

Pearson College UWC Victoria

21st September 2016, Victoria