International Women's History Month spotlight: Grace Ibwaha Thomas

Grace Ibwaha Thomas (South Sudan, United World College East Africa, 2023-2025)
In honour of International Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (8 March), UWC is celebrating stories of courage, equality and unity from around the movement. We’re highlighting the inspiring stories of scholars from the Global Fund for Women-UWC partnership, an initiative designed to expand leadership and education pathways for talented adolescent girls from Sub-Saharan Africa.
Grace Ibwaha Thomas, UWC East Africa student and GFW scholar, is steadfast in her belief that gender equality not only empowers women but is a catalyst for peace in South Sudan.
Like many South Sudanese of her generation, Grace was born and raised in Kenya, always a foreigner, but with a home, childhood and education far removed from the dangers of civil war. “Even though we were in Kenya, I was raised as a South Sudanese girl in a traditional household. So, I understand our culture and traditions,” Grace explains. But living in Kenya also meant she never fully experienced what it truly means to be from South Sudan.
Understanding the challenges women face in South Sudan
Despite the distance, her connection to South Sudan is strong and her ambition is clear: to help build a society where women have the education, independence and rights they deserve. “To better understand the country, I did a lot of research, especially on women's rights. We have a long way to go. One study (in South Sudan) showed that most females—like 80%—and males agreed that ‘there are times when a woman deserves to be beaten,’” Grace shares, clearly dismayed. “This is not okay."
Now a scholar at UWC East Africa, funded by the Global Fund for Women (GFW), Grace sees the opportunity as a valuable chance to gain the knowledge and skills she’ll need to make meaningful change in her home country. “It starts by establishing yourself so that you have the power to change things,” she explains. With GFW and UWC’s support, Grace has begun to establish herself through a solid educational foundation.
“Education is the backbone of society; it all starts there,” she says with conviction ignited by her UWC experience. "Because I'm educated, I know it’s not okay to be beaten or be married at 12. If we go to the villages and teach women and girls about equity, teach them to be financially independent, teach them their rights, show them what they are capable of—that’s where change begins,” she explains. In Grace’s vision, the power of education transforms communities and fosters a society free from gender-based violence and inequality.
Since arriving at UWC, Grace has been on her own transformative journey, one where she’s learned more than academics; she’s learned empathy, resilience and acceptance. “Before UWC, I used to be more judgemental,” she admits. However, living amongst a diverse community of students from around the world has shifted her perspective. “It’s opened my mind to new perspectives,” she explains, “I have more context now.”
She also speaks more languages now. Grace has added Spanish to her English and Swahili and hopes to learn Japanese and Mandarin in the future. Balancing rigorous academia weighted heavily toward the sciences with other activities, including teaching English to young students nearby and working with disabled children, Grace has embraced the opportunities at UWC wholeheartedly.
"UWC will make you feel like you can change the world because once you have been given a chance to change yourself, the next logical question is ‘Why can't I do the same for someone else?’"
Although she is still exploring possible career paths, her ultimate goal is clear: she wants to be a force for change in South Sudan, advocating for the rights of women and girls and pushing for societal transformation.
A call for a safer South Sudan
Grace’s desire to positively impact her country extends beyond gender equity to peace. In her view, true peace goes beyond simply stopping conflict; it requires addressing the deep-seated gender inequalities, like the ones that persist in South Sudan: “My dad often tells me that it’s easier to get a gun in South Sudan than a matchbox. That can't be normal anywhere. But people are scared of each other; they're always ready to defend themselves. I would love to create a system or a community that helps people to feel safe in our own country and in our neighbourhoods, because this lifestyle is not easy. No one is happy.”
She believes education and community-building can play a key role in shifting this dynamic. Tribalism is a huge way of life in South Sudan, but it’s not teaching us about our culture; it’s teaching us who to hate. Instead, if we could come together and learn about peace, learn to reduce fear and to remove these ideologies in people's minds about their neighbours and especially women, maybe South Sudan can even grow economically, which benefits everyone,” she says, eyes bright with hope.
Along her journey, Grace’s father has been a steadfast supporter. “My father believes in me, even when others in the family don’t,” she says. “My mother is more traditional. She’s fearful of the West and wants me to stay close to home. She’s worried I won’t come back.” But her father’s encouragement has given her the strength to pursue her dreams despite cultural and familial pressure to conform: “He’s always telling me that I can do anything I set my mind to.”
Grace embodies the transformative power of education, resilience and community support. With GFW’s backing, she’s on a path to bring about meaningful change, setting an example for young people in South Sudan and beyond. But first, she will need to decide between studying medicine and international relations. “I’m applying to both and then I’ll decide,” she says with a smile, a reminder that, for Grace, creating change starts with establishing oneself—and with the support she’s received, she’s well on her way, whichever direction she chooses.
Written by Samantha Gayfer, Director of Strategic Development at the Discovery Group.