Transforming Identity (Online)
1 JULY- 10 JULY 2024
The UWC Short Course: Transforming Identity envisions an online community driven by curiosity, exploration of questions of identity and founded on cosmopolitan empathy, an appreciation for our similarities and differences.
The course emphasises a collective creation of ideas and will, to this end, encompass workshops, Umbrella groups and Games as its programme. Workshops will be delivered through various methods, including interactive activities, and open contemplative discussions with more or less direction from facilitators.
At the end of each day of the course, participants will regroup into small tight-knit communities: Umbrella Groups. These are dedicated spaces for peer sharing, reflexion and bonding. Each umbrella group will have two facilitators and small subgroups of participants. To ensure sustained engagement and connection, games will be used during transitions and breaks.
The core theme of this reflective immersion is that of ‘Identity’, with the following as core questions and sub-themes:
- Who/what am I? (The self and metaphysics)
- How should we relate and act towards one another? (Ethics)
- How should we organise ourselves and our resources? (Political philosophy)
The objective of Transforming Identity is to prompt or support critical thought and development of our individual participants’ visions of personal identity, which have implications for how they relate to others, which in turn has implications for their view of organising and leading to social change.
Dates: 1 July 2024 - 10 July 2024
Location: Online
Participant age requirement: 15 - 18-year-olds
Language of course facilitation: English
Participant Application information: Find the application form here.
Facilitator Application Information: Find the application form here.
Application deadline: rolling basis
Course fee: $200 (Scholarships will be offered to participants who request through the application form. Distribution and awarding will also be on the basis of merit, gender balance, socioeconomic diversity and geographical location.)
For more details: visit our website, Instagram, Facebook or email us.