Christian Hodeige

Council Member - Permanent Chair Proxy of UWC Robert Bosch College
Christian was born 1958 in Freiburg in the very Southwest corner of Germany and went to UWC Pearson College (1975-1977). He studied Economics at the LSE, where he graduated with a B.Sc. (Econ) and a M.Sc. After his return to Freiburg he wrote a PhD on theoretical Labour Economics. In 1985 he then joined the family owned publishing businesses. Since 1997 he has been the CEO and co-owner of the Badische Zeitung, a regional daily newspaper in Baden. Since 1986 Christian has been engaged in the UWC movement in various capacities. He cofounded the German National Committee that year and was its President from 1992 until 1998. In 1996 he was elected to the International Board and became its Chairman between 1999 and 2006. He is a founding member of the Board of UWC Robert Bosch College, which he now chairs. He heads the Kuratorium of RBC. In 2014 he was awarded the “Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande” by the President of Germany for his community work.
"These turbulent times are an additional motivation on why the world needs UWC. Fear, hate, segregation, sexism and religious phobia are back, on a larger scale than most of us anticipated. We need to spread the sincere conviction of respect, tolerance, empathy and international understanding today more than ever. Since 1986 I am happy and almost compelled to carry the flag! May compassion and reason prevail!"