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UWC Day - UWCSEA East Campus

21 September 2017

21 September, 2017, small group discusssions in student led mentor classes followed by a cultural show during Lunch time.

UWCSEA East Campus invites all middle school and high school students to participate in student led group discussions after being shown a provocative video. The sessions will relate to the UWC mission, the movement and the theme "Power of Diversity". 
During  lunch times, there will cultural music, a collaborative art project. paper cranes project by UWCSEA's Initiative for Peace group, Service Partner displays and cultural food stalls provided by the canteen.  The plaza area will be aptly decorated with the cultures of the school's population along with information displayed about other UWCs in the movement.  Students will be encouraged to attend the day in their national dress.
UWCSEA has also started a blogging project to whicht the larger UWC community is invited to contribute to. The school is also looking to connect with smaller groups to Google Hangouts to foster more intimate discussions. Individuals who are interested can contact Tricia Friedman for more information at: