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Amazônia 360: Sustainability & Community in the Brazilian Rainforest

31 July 2025

An immersive journey into the heart of the Amazon!

UWC Amazonia 360 is a transformative 11-day short course in Manaus and the Tumbira community of Rio Negro, Brazil. Designed for young changemakers aged 15 to 17, the course delves into sustainability, the history of the region and its people, and the deep connections between humans and the environment.

Using deep dialogue and restorative justice, participants will explore their place in the world, engage in social justice discussions, and take action on contemporary environmental challenges in the Amazon.

What to Expect

Participants will experience six key pillars of UWC short courses:

  • Social Awareness – Understanding the complexities of sustainability in the Amazon.
  • Personal Development – Exploring identity and self-reflection.
  • Outdoor Learning – Immersive nature experiences in one of the most biodiverse places on Earth.
  • Active Participation & Service – Collaborating with local communities on sustainability projects.


The program includes three core themes:

  1. Me & the World: Environmental sustainability, activism, and Amazonian ecosystems.
  2. Who Am I?: Identity, positionality, and historical narratives of the region.
  3.  Me & the Other: Learning from local leaders, engaging in community dialogue, and giving back.
Please note that a significant portion of this course takes place oboard a boat on the Amazonas River. 


Location: Manaus & Tumbira, Amazonas, Brazil
Dates: 14–24 July 2025
Language: Portuguese
Applications: By nomination only (no open applications in this pilot year).

As this is our first year, we are accepting nominations through UWC National Committees. While all referrals are welcome, we are particularly interested in candidates from outside Brazil who can contribute partially or fully to the program’s costs.

Total cost: $3,750 USD (~BRL 21,750)
Scholarships available: We aim to make this experience accessible to participants from diverse backgrounds. A fundraising campaign is in place to support financial aid.

If you know a talented young person who would thrive in this experience, let us know!

For more details, get in touch via email or Instagram.