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Miranda Neal

1 May 2014

Programme Administrator

Miranda joined UWC International in September 2023 and is currently working as a Programmes Administrator, based in London. Her work involves capacity building for national committee fundraising projects. Miranda is originally from Norway and is a UWC alumni from Maastricht (2016-2018). 

After graduating from UWCM, she pursued her BA in Social Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Manchester and an Msc in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies from the London School of Economics. Prior to joining UWC International she has worked in fundraising for UNICEF Norway, as a blogger and as a humanitarian consultant. 

Miranda is passionate about women’s education and empowerment. She previously volunteered at a women’s refugee centre in Manchester and is currently involved with a London-based NGO delivering education projects to women in the Global South. 

Outside of work she enjoys exploring London, reading, learning to cook new vegetarian dishes and spending time with her loved ones. 

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