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9 May 2017

Council Member - Committee of National Committees 

UWC Council Member, Mile KrstevMile grew up in the Balkans before attending UWC Atlantic from 2012 to 2014. He went on to obtain a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from Tufts University in the U.S. and is currently completing a master’s degree in sustainable technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden.

While living in the U.S., he worked as a STEM teaching assistant in elementary schools in Boston, where he developed and taught interdisciplinary engineering curricula to young children. Mile has also worked in the NGO sector in Croatia where he focused on circular economy education. And as a young sustainability professional, Mile has worked on a research project investigating the environmental rebound effect of the sharing economy.

Right after graduating from UWC Atlantic, Mile joined the Macedonian National Committee for UWC, and has since taken on the role of Treasurer. Driven by a passion for social justice, which UWC instilled in him, Mile has focused his efforts on increasing the ethnic, geographic, and socioeconomic diversity of Macedonian students going to UWC. He has also facilitated UWC short courses on three occasions. Since January 2023, Mile has been a member of the Committee of National Committees. 


"I see the UWC movement as a means towards a more just and sustainable world. For me, this means to not only send more deserving and underprivileged students to UWC, but also to cultivate self-sustaining values-based communities wherever I go."