UWC Participates in 3rd Year of Young Aurora
The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative recently issued a press release announcing the third annual "Young Aurora" competition. Also known as the Aurora Humanitarian Project for UWC schools and colleges, Young Aurora incentivises students across the UWC movement to develop humanitarian projects to make a meaningful difference in the world.
Young Aurora will accept one submission of a student-led project from each UWC school and college. Each project must focus on a humanitarian issue affecting the geographical area of the relevant school or college, encouraging students to "think global, act local". Project proposals will go through two rounds of judging, and the winning student team will be awarded $4,000 towards the further development of their project.
UWC schools and colleges are asked to confirm their participation by 19 April 2019, and student project proposal submissions (one per school or college, approved by the relevant UWC Head) will be due on 14 July 2019.
For more information on Young Aurora, including project eligibility and how to apply, click here!